The week run up to the Snugglebundl Dragons Den appearance was very interesting. Peter Jones seemed to be everywhere on television promoting the new series and everywhere he went they kept showing the same clip of us at

the brunt of quite an abrupt Peter Jones rant. Naturally we were chuffed with the extra publicity but at the same time wincing as we re-watched that scene over again. It's all very theatrical in the Den and we felt that Mr Jones was being a bit harsh on us at the time. He really didn't get the idea of he put it 'blanket with handles!'
What was interesting though was having been on Loose women on ITV the day before and now being confronted about it again he actually retracted his actions and when asked by Chris Evans if he regretted it now he said 'yes!' We were so chuffed by his admission that we had to make it into a small poster

which we now have hanging in our office. We have a sneaking suspicion as well that Mrs Jones might have given him a hard time for not taking us more seriously.
Our theory is that the Loose Women team's reaction to liking it gave him a better chance to have a look at it again. Anyway however it came about this is what he said on the One Show to Chris Evans and Alex Jones..
We have contacted Peter via Twitter and offered him a Snuglebundl to try if he has any more children but have not heard anything back yet!:)