We do love it when we get nice letters from happy mums and parents about how much they've enjoyed and benefited from using the
Snugglebundl with their babies. This one just came in and whilst we have had several pictures of baby Freddie since he was born it was lovely to hear mum Helens story about how a blanket with handles has helped her and still is:)
My name is Helen I am a 30 something newly single Mummy. I live in Brighton with My Daughter who is 4 and son who is 5 months old and born prematurely. I am a blogging fan and a cake making fanatic - you can find me at www.beginniningofusthree.co.uk or www.flourandsprinkles.co.uk
My blog this month is about having an emergency C Section with my son and how I found out about snugglebundle.When I was about 6 months pregnant very ill and on crutches I very daftly visited a baby show in my home town. This is where I met the amazing Snugglebundl team - they were the only thing worthwhile at the said baby show. My ex husband was a bit sceptical at first about their product but after the demonstration they gave us he and I were blown away, needless to say I purchased a Snugglebundl immediately.I was quite taken with the Snugglebundle due to how easy it was to use and how it would transform me lifting a baby after birth, I say this as I have a chronic arthritic condition that effects my spine, hips, knees and ankles. I found that after having my daughter, who was a 10 day overdue and 7lb 50z baby, that my back would get incredibly sore when lifting her from the car seat crib or cot, so the thought of going through all that again was quite a daunting one.
Now I never guessed that at 8 months pregnant I would go into hospital for a check up and give birth to my son 2.5 hours later by emergency C Section. I was all set to be induced the following week at 36 weeks due to my ongoing health problems. My son stopped growing at 28 weeks so this was obviously a factor in my early induction. I was going through a major arthritis flare up and then to have a C Section on top was just horrific. The birth and the arthritis made lifting my delicate newborn almost impossible but the Snugglebundl came to my rescue.
My 3lb 80z son did look a little lost in the Bundl but it just meant that there was more material to keep him warm and snug when out and about. With all premature small babies they need to be kept extra warm and cocooned so this fabulous product really did the job. I found that my son slept in it all the time and very peacefully. I also found that compared to when lifting my son without the Snugglebundle I suffered a lot less pain when using it, this aided me to recover a lot quicker.
This genius product really did make my life easier and help me to
recover faster from my C Section. Now that I am fully recovered I finding that continued use when lifting my son is also reducing the impact felt on my arthritic back.
Freddie 10 days old

Freddie 5.5 Months on still loving his Snugglebundle!
